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City of Wahoo


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Burn Permits

Nebraska has regulated open burning for over 20 years. In general, open burning is prohibited statewide. (Open burning is the burning of items without using an enclosed burning area such as an incinerator or fireplace.) However, there are exceptions to the prohibition which require that permits be issued prior to the burning.  Permits for open burning are issued through the Fire Department.


To obtain a burn permit:

Call the fire station at (402) 443-1520 or call the Chief at (402) 443-6067


Any person participating in open burning without a permit may be subject to prosecution for a Class IV Misdemeanor per Nebraska Statute 81-520.02


Land Management Burning:

 A landowner, tenant, or other landowner's agent of the land where land-management burning is proposed shall file an application for a permit and a plan for conducting such burning. The plan shall include:

  • The name of the landowner of the land on which land-management burning is to occur;
  • The name of the person who will supervise the land-management burning if such person is different than the landowner;
  • The land-management objective to be accomplished;
  • A map showing the areas to be burned, including natural and manmade firebreaks;
  • Procedures to be used to confine the fire in boundary areas without preexisting firebreaks;
  • A list of equipment that will be on hand;
  • The types and conditions of the vegetative matter to be burned on the land and in adjacent areas;
  • Identification of roads and habitations that may be affected by smoke;
  • A description of weather conditions believed to be required to safely and successfully conduct the land-management burning, including wind speed and direction, temperature, and relative humidity; and
  • Such other information as may be prescribed by the fire chief of a local fire department.


Burn Plan Template



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