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City of Wahoo


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Permits are required for:

  • new construction
  • additions or expansion of existing structures - including living space, garages, porches, and decks
  • repair, replacement, or remodeling where structural walls are removed or relocated
  • roof structure repair or replacement (decking or trusses) or change of roof line
  • structures being moved to a site
  • change in grade of sidewalk or driveway
  • signs
  • fences
  • lawn sprinkler systems, replacement of water heater, moving or adding plumbing fixtures (plumbing permit)
  • replacement of furnace, air conditioning, or heat pump units (mechanical permit) 
  • demolition or moving buildings and structures off a site

Building permits are NOT required for:

  • maintenance or repair of existing conforming buildings and structures and associated electrical wiring, plumbing, and sanitary sewer - this includes replacement of roofing, shingles, siding, storm windows, windows, steps, decks, or porches where existing structure is not being expanded, enlarged, or structurally changed, and sidewalks and driveways where grade is not changed
  • tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses - provided the floor space does not exceed 120 square feet; before pouring a concrete pad for such structures, however, you should verify location of underground utility lines and utility easements
  • painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, counter tops, and similar interior finish work

Separate permits are required for plumbing, mechanical (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), or electrical work. Electrical permits are issued by the State Electrical Division, 800 South 13th Street, Suite 190, P.O. Box 95066, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509, 402-471-3550.

Utility connection fees are separate from building permit fees. Wahoo Utilities provides electric, water, sewer, and natural gas service.


Building Permit Form

Mechanical Permit Form

Plumbing Permit Form

Demolition/Moving Permit Form

Fence Permit Form

Sign Permit Form

Building Permit Fee Schedule (Resolution No. 2022-28)